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DEI Resources

On the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Resource page there are materials to push your thinking and grow your practice. You can find book reviews, interviews with educational experts, and reflections from practitioners. Whether you are looking to blow up your bell schedule, reduce suspensions, or start a racial affinity space, we have you covered. Project-based learning, culturally responsive teaching, and improving staff meetings are also featured. [resources are from Truss Leadership]


Educator Check-In on Culture “How am I doing?”

Each of us is on a journey to provide a classroom and educational environment where students feel heard, welcomed and are able to learn and grow. As part of that, doing a check-in with yourself helps you learn and grow. Take a couple minutes to complete this Culture Check-in or do it as a team.  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qIdvbdxN8MjyB49j2nYR_Nzn0cFrpBZy/view?usp=share_link





Inside the movement to revitalize tribal languages in WA schools





There is no gift from the Freedom Foundation.


Click here for more information: Frequently Asked Questions: Freedom Foundation vs. WEA 

They Say ... We offer attorneys to cancel union membership

We Say ... We offer attorneys to support grievances

They Say ... Pay for our educational insurance when you cancel your membership

We Say ... Your educational insurance up to $1 Million already covers members

They Say ... Union membership costs money

We Say ... Union membership gives you a voice in the workplace

They Say ... You have a right to pay union dues

We Say ... You have the right to stand up without retribution to poor working conditions


Collective bargaining has always been the bedrock of the American labor movement. I hope that you will continue to anchor your movement to this foundation. Free collective bargaining is good for the entire Nation. In my view, it is the only alternative to State regulation of wages and prices - a path which leads far down the grim road of totalitarianism. Those who would destroy or further limit the rights of organized labor - those who would cripple collective bargaining or prevent organization of the unorganized - do a disservice to the cause of democracy.

John F. Kennedy 

                The collective bargaining agreement, or contract, establishes the rights and working conditions (including pay) for the members of Bates PTEs, CPEA, ESPCP, SCEA, SEA, UPCA, UPEA, and UPOP. Collective bargaining is the process used by the members of ESPCP to advocate for improved working conditions, fair wages, and to set limits on the power of the employer to act without representation.

      The power of collective bargaining is the power of the group to take united action. One employee has little power or influence and can easily be dismissed as a complainer or malcontent. Together, speaking with one voice at the bargaining table, your local promotes the common interests and ideas of all members to address workplace issues.
     Through collective bargaining, you have the protection of due process and the ability to use the grievance process in situations where a supervisor or the employer acts unfairly or arbitrarily. Collective bargaining increases the wages and hours of employees in the bargaining unit. Over the last five years wages in our classified units have increased more than 25% on average. These are real gains for members worth thousands of dollars each year and would not have been possible without collective bargaining.
     In addition, member issues that involve potential loss of hours, layoff, transfer, and evaluation can all be addressed using the collective bargaining agreement, and the contract language providing employee protection is reinforced and improved as part of the bargaining process.
     The contractual agreement between the your local union and the District provides a venue for members of the bargaining unit to meet management as equals and stand up for the rights of workers to be treated with the respect they deserve, the respect they earn doing the important work that is necessary in providing a quality education of the students they serve.

Get Involved

    Have you been around your union a while and never had the opportunity to get involved? Contact us to find out more at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 MLKJR quote



The National Education Association believes that, in order to achieve racial and social justice, educators must acknowledge the existence of White supremacy culture as a primary root cause of institutional racism, structural racism, and White privilege. Additionally, the Association believes that the norms, standards, and organizational structures manifested in White supremacy culture perpetually exploit and oppress people of color and serve as detriments to racial justice. Further, the invisible racial benefits of White privilege, which are automatically conferred irrespective of wealth, gender, and other factors, severely limit opportunities for people of color and impede full achievement of racial and social justice. Therefore, the Association will actively advocate for social and educational strategies fostering the eradication of institutional racism and White privilege perpetuated by White supremacy culture.






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Find more info on WEA's website


WEA members applaud the Supreme Court's leadership and willingness to hold the Legislature accountable for failing to fully fund K-12 public schools as required by the Constitution -- and its own legislation. [read more]